New Norcia aims to keep at its heart the ethos of Benedictine monasticism, currently expressed through the continuing presence in the town of a small community of monks, seeking God through living by the guidance of the 6th century Rule of St Benedict – a life of prayer, work, lectio divina, hospitality, pastoral outreach and community-building, sustained by the monastic promises of obedience, stability and conversion, and enriched by its theological, spiritual and liturgical traditions. We envision that this monastic presence will continue to evolve and adapt as it owns the negative aspects of its past, assesses and deals with the difficulties of the present, and faces the opportunities, uncertainties and challenges of the future, and that it may be enriched by encouraging new vocations, our oblates, and those who desire to live and work beside us.

We envision New Norcia to be a place of:

  • Welcome and inclusivity
  • Prayer and worship
  • Spirituality and contemplation
  • Solace and safeguarding
  • Outreach and care
  • Respect and reconciliation
  • Compassion and hope

In collaboration with its stakeholders, Monochorum Ltd (the corporate entity responsible for the governance of the business, financial and strategic operations of New Norcia) intends to extend its board of directors by recruiting non-monastic members with varied expertise, in order to generate and incorporate vibrant new approaches and insights, and to work towards a more self-supporting governance structure for the future management and development of the town. This would include ventures such as:

The creation of a new strategic business plan to include new revenue-earning enterprises

Adopting and implementing the Conservation Master Plan in partnership with our heritage consultants

We envision a continued commitment to the cultural development of New Norcia through sole and partnership initiatives in the following spaces:

  • Research and Publications
  • Education
  • Indigenous
  • Heritage
  • Tourism
  • Hospitality
  • The Arts
  • The Environment