Friday, 16th August 2019
The Chimes Magazine - August 2019

Greetings from New Norcia....the winter rains have finally arrived and nature has covered herself once again! The area is looking gloriously lush and green with the wildflowers just beginning to pop up. It is a wonderful time to visit. The latest edition of The Chimes is out and focuses on the visit to Rome by Abbot John and two staff members, it looked like they had an informative and amazing time, the pictures alone are a testament to this.
I have just received a message from Fr John Herbert, please see below.
Hello Everyone,
I write to give you an update on Fr Anthony Lovis.
Unfortunately, Fr Anthony has inoperable and untreatable cancer in the liver, with secondary lesions on the spine.
The specialists have recommended he be referred to palliative care, which I am presently in the process of organising.
Fr Anthony is currently staying with family and I shall inform you of the contact details as soon as he has been settled into care.
In the meantime, I will continue to pass on to Fr Anthony your concern, best wishes, and prayers, for which Fr Anthony and the whole community are very grateful.
Abbot John Herbert