Commemorating an inspiring life

We have been working on the preparation for the bicentenary year with the encouragement and support of Lotterywest and the New Norcia Aboriginal Corporation.

On Saturday 1st of March, we officially launched the bicentenary year and the Bicentenary Exhibition which will run until March 2015. This was followed by the first public event of the year - Ecumenical Vespers - held at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth on Tuesday 4th March at 6.30pm. Over 800 people gathered for this special service.

Other events planned include: A ‘Salvado’ display at the WA Museum and a conference for scholars and the wider community at the State Library in November featuring rare photographs taken in the Salvado era.

More details of the Bicentenary events are included on our Bicentenary Calendar of Events.

Please contact our Communications Manager, Lucy Nicholson, if you would like more detailed information about this special year. Email: or Phone: 08 9654 8018.